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Piotr Majchrzak – Co-Founder at Boldare

Piotr Majchrzak

Co-Founder at Boldare

at Boldare - Product Design and Development Company

ArticleAutomation and AI: how we accelerate software development

Automation and AI: how we accelerate software development

As a CTO, you know how quickly the software development landscape changes and how important it is to stay ahead. Leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) has become a critical factor in maintaining a competitive edge. At Boldare, besidewe don’t just use AI tools as add-ons; they’re key parts of our development process. This article explores the AI tools we use, how they boost efficiency and innovation, and why integrating AI is crucial for any progressive development team.

ArticleHow much does it cost to outsource software development?

How much does it cost to outsource software development?

Cost is an important factor when choosing any product or service. However, the cost of outsourcing your software development project can vary greatly, depending on skills, experience and geographical location of your chosen partner. It helps to have a snapshot of the various markets to understand what might be reasonable in terms of cost… and what might not be.

ArticleFrom One CEO to Another: My 4 Tips for Choosing a Product Development Company

From One CEO to Another: My 4 Tips for Choosing a Product Development Company

Bob Dylan’s famous saying, “The times they are a-changin’,” resonates with me now more than ever. In recent years, events like the global pandemic, wars, rising inflation, and the growing role of AI have made it tough for businesses to keep going. The digital world is also affected by these changes, so it’s crucial to put a bigger emphasis on technology-based products and services to keep things efficient. To do more than just get by in this tough market, it’s crucial to work with a reliable partner. In this article, I’ll discuss key factors in selecting a partner, drawing from my 20 years of market experience as the CEO of a product development company.

ArticleHow to choose a software development company?

How to choose a software development company?

If you decide to work on your next app with the help of an external software development company, then your success or failure depends on finding the right partner. With this in mind, and based on our own many and varied experiences at Boldare, this article outlines the key criteria – what to look for and what to avoid – for selecting your software development company: a future partner that will help you to build great software and solve your business challenges. But how to find such a trustworthy, reliable and efficient collaborator?

ArticleKey trends in the technology sector according to Piotr Majchrzak, co-CEO at Boldare

Key trends in the technology sector according to Piotr Majchrzak, co-CEO at Boldare

The times are changing, and the technology sector is not immune to those changes. This is why the technology and IT industry will most likely bend in the direction of Web3, onchain and more ethical cultures within organizations. Paradoxically, I believe that the biggest changes in 2022 will not strictly be about technology itself, but what empowers it.

ArticleOur Holacracy Experience - what it is and why it works

Our Holacracy Experience - what it is and why it works

You know the old design dogma, form follows function? When it comes to organizational design, life is a little more complex. Alongside ‘function’ the other big influencing factor is ‘environment’. After all, the basic function of a business — produce an excellent product, offer a first-rate service — may remain the same but the world in which we operate is constantly changing. It’s basic evolution: change or die.

Article5 Signs You’re Ready for Holacracy

5 Signs You’re Ready for Holacracy

How do you know if you’re „ready” for Holacracy? I recently put the same question to a group of software development company CEOs. This article is the latest in a series chronicling Boldare’s journey into holacracy and outlines 5 key indicators that your company might well be ready for holacracy.