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Paweł Kański – Content Writer

Paweł Kański

Content Writer

at Boldare - Product Design and Development Company

ArticleCase Study: High-Powered Electric Charger App for a Leading Manufacturer

Case Study: High-Powered Electric Charger App for a Leading Manufacturer

Discover how Boldare partnered with a global technology leader to develop a high-powered EV charger system app. Learn about the challenges, innovative solutions, and technologies used to enhance the electric vehicle charging infrastructure in the U.S. and Europe.

ArticleIn-house vs. Outsourcing: Which solution is more efficient organizationally?

In-house vs. Outsourcing: Which solution is more efficient organizationally?

2025 is approaching faster than you might realize. That’s why, at Boldare, September is the time of year when we start planning for the future, focusing on goals, outcomes, and, of course, budgets. We aim to assess our organizational efforts to ensure that next year will be better and more efficient in every way. Today, I want to offer some insights and a bit of inspiration regarding software development investments. Take a look inside to see our infographic, where we compare the organizational efficiency of building in-house software development teams versus hiring a ready-made team from a company like ours. Enjoy!

Article Olivier Halupczok: Empowering Web Developers to Create AI-Powered Apps

Olivier Halupczok: Empowering Web Developers to Create AI-Powered Apps

The idea of creating a functional app with AI capabilities in just 30 minutes sounds like a dream, but is it really possible? And how can Generative AI be effectively used in real-world digital products? These are some of the questions we explore in this week’s “Around the Product Development” webinar, where we sat down with Olivier Halupczok, a GenAI developer at Boldare. Our topic is how to kickstart your first AI-based product. Enjoy!

ArticleTech-Driven content strategies for investment banking industry

Tech-Driven content strategies for investment banking industry

This week, we hosted Cathy and Chanie from Objective Investment Banking & Valuation to explore the impact of tech-driven content and storytelling on business growth. We also delved into their approach to tailoring go-to-market strategies for the diverse segments within the investment banking industry. Curious to learn how AI and human expertise combine to create compelling content? Read on or watch the interview.

ArticleAgility as a growth factor - insights from Mikko Virtanen, Agile Day CEO

Agility as a growth factor - insights from Mikko Virtanen, Agile Day CEO

For many modern, Agile-powered companies, building a people-focused and flexible work environment is key to success. Leaders believe it boosts employee engagement and leads to great business results. That’s why organizations are eager to try new management styles and tools to improve their operations. So, what do they need to succeed with the Agile approach? In this week’s “Around the Product Development,” we talked with Mikko Virtanen, an expert in agile transformation with over 20 years of experience. Our topic is how to use business agility to grow. Enjoy!

ArticleJoin Our Discord Server: A Community Hub for our OpenAI Assistant

Join Our Discord Server: A Community Hub for our OpenAI Assistant

Some time ago, we launched Boldare’s OpenAI Assistant, our very own NestJS library created for the developer community. Its goal is to reduce the time required to launch an AI-based app to an absolute minimum, saving between one to two weeks of work. Today, we are excited to announce that we have started a dedicated Discord server to support the community with a space where they can share their knowledge and ideas. Read on to learn more!

ArticleLean and Agile - What Are the Differences?

Lean and Agile - What Are the Differences?

Lean and Agile are two popular methodologies that heavily influence the ways digital products are built. Despite focusing on similar values, they are quite different. Lean emphasizes reducing waste and increasing efficiency, while Agile focuses on rapid product delivery through iterative development. Both methods prioritize customer satisfaction and quality, but they differ in their approach and execution. This article explores the core principles of Lean and Agile, highlighting their differences and similarities to help you decide which approach best suits your project needs.

ArticleThe 7 Lean Software Development Principles

The 7 Lean Software Development Principles

Lean manufacturing is a concept born in the 20th century, focused on honing processes to reduce waste, increase productivity, and emphasize accountability and innovation. This concept can be (and has been) extended to any production process – if you’re creating a product, you can do in a lean manner – so it’s no surprise that Mary and Tom Poppendieck’s book Lean software development applied Lean thinking to the creation of digital products. Read on to explore the seven basic principles underpinning the Lean approach to software development.

ArticleHow to Boost Your Website Traffic with AI: Insights from an SEO Expert

How to Boost Your Website Traffic with AI: Insights from an SEO Expert

For most digital businesses, online visibility in search engines like Google is a matter of life and death. It provides brand visibility and allows them to acquire paying customers. That’s why companies are eager to spend thousands of dollars on SEO support to ensure their website ranks higher than their competitors. That’s why during this week’s “Around the Product Development,” we talked with Wojtek Urban, an SEO expert from Delante SEO agency. Our topic is how to increase your website traffic with AI tools. Enjoy!o

ArticleMastering Nearshore Outsourcing: Expert Tips from Two+More

Mastering Nearshore Outsourcing: Expert Tips from Two+More

This week on “Around the Product Development,” we welcomed Siobhan Child and Matt Pollitt, co-founders of Two+More, to discuss the challenges of nearshore software outsourcing. Siobhan and Matt shared their unique approach to combining UK-based product and design leadership with nearshore development partnerships. Curious about how to navigate cultural differences and manage remote teams effectively? Dive into the interview or watch the full discussion to learn more.

ArticleBoldare Joins the Italian Chamber of Commerce

Boldare Joins the Italian Chamber of Commerce

We are thrilled to announce that Boldare has joined the Italian Chamber of Commerce! We hope this step will help us reach more new businesses that can benefit from our business and technological knowledge. A presto, Italia!

ArticleBoldare Team ready for the Intersolar Exhibition in Munich!

Boldare Team ready for the Intersolar Exhibition in Munich!

We are excited to announce that our team, including Boldare’s Head of Development, Tech Lead will be attending the Intersolar Exhibition in Munich on Wednesday, June 19th. We hope that this event will provide a valuable opportunity for our team to engage with current and former clients, explore the latest industry trends, and showcase our innovative AI-powered solutions designed specifically for the solar sector.

Article7 Lean wastes in software development

7 Lean wastes in software development

Lean is a mindset that focuses on creating processes that produce more value, more efficiently. Many software development processes are Lean – whether they’re called that or not. Agile methodologies can be seen as an application of Lean thinking – focused on efficiency, centering the customer/user in the process, and reducing waste. But if we’re reducing waste, what kind of waste are we talking about? What wastes can we reduce? Read on for the 7 Lean wastes and how they apply to digital product development — regardless of the method your team uses.

Article4 Crazy Leadership Moves for Better Team Outcomes: Interview with Todd Lankford, Agile Coach

4 Crazy Leadership Moves for Better Team Outcomes: Interview with Todd Lankford, Agile Coach

In this episode of 'Around the Product Development,' we welcome Todd Lankford, an agile coach with over 15 years of experience. Todd shares insights from his article 'Four Crazy Moves Leaders Can Make Today to Improve Team Outcomes.' Learn how these unconventional strategies can help leaders maximize team success while respecting people. Join us for actionable advice and a fresh perspective on agile leadership.

ArticleAlways Be Prototyping - Interview with Oskar Kwitek, Product Strategist at  Boldare

Always Be Prototyping - Interview with Oskar Kwitek, Product Strategist at Boldare

What exactly is a prototype, and how can it be used to validate business or product assumptions, mitigate risks, and even be created for free? In our latest episode of “Around the Product Development in 25 Minutes,” Oskar Kwitek shares his expertise on everything you need to know about prototyping. Watch or read the interview to find answers to these questions and more.

ArticlePractical Implementations of Generative AI: Join Romuald Członkowski’s Seminar in Kraków or Online

Practical Implementations of Generative AI: Join Romuald Członkowski’s Seminar in Kraków or Online

Join us for a seminar where our Head of AI Services, Romuald Członkowski, will discuss his paper titled “Generative AI - Practical Implementations Using Large Language Models.” The lecture will take place in Kraków on May 24, 2024, at 16:30, at Bracka Street 12. We invite everyone interested not only to this seminar but also to the Copernicus Festival, during which the meeting will be held, which this year focuses on the theme “Machine”.

ArticleDesign System: Building Digital Products Easier and Faster. An Interview with Dawid Żurowski, Product Designer.

Design System: Building Digital Products Easier and Faster. An Interview with Dawid Żurowski, Product Designer.

How can a design system assist in developing an app, and what is the cost of creating one? To find answers to these and many more questions, we invite you to read or watch our latest episode of “Around the Product Development in 25 Minutes.” This time, we spoke with Dawid Żurowski, a Product Designer at Boldare, about the benefits of creating and using a design system. Enjoy the blog post or watch the video below.

ArticleCase study: Expanding Traffic Family's Online Business With AI Support

Case study: Expanding Traffic Family's Online Business With AI Support

The e-commerce industry presents a significant challenge for business owners. Customers expect an extraordinary user experience, reliability, and—most importantly—the best prices. One of our clients approached us with the goal of creating a product that would meet all these expectations and, by assisting their users, enhance the company’s revenue streams. Continue reading to discover how we helped Traffic Family in achieving their business objectives by utilizing Generative AI solutions.

ArticleCase Study: Optimization Through Digitalization for the Novolyze Platform

Case Study: Optimization Through Digitalization for the Novolyze Platform

There are many ways to optimize organizational efficiency, one of which is streamlining internal processes. This is particularly crucial in food safety and quality related processes, where high standards are essential, and any mistake can slow down or even halt food production temporarily. Continue reading to see how, by working closely with Novolyze, a French company, we helped their clients save an average of 2 hours per task through the digitization of processes.

ArticleGenAI: Cost Perspectives and Optimization Abilities - An Interview with Piotr Majchrzak, Co-CEO of Boldare

GenAI: Cost Perspectives and Optimization Abilities - An Interview with Piotr Majchrzak, Co-CEO of Boldare

Is it possible to build a reliable AI-based product within a month? What’s the best way to start implementing AI into your business? We asked these and other questions to Piotr Majchrzak, co-CEO of Boldare, during the latest episode of our 'Around the Product Development in 25 Minutes' webinar. This series is created for the Agile Product Builders Community, our platform of digital product builders and enthusiasts. Read on to learn more about the practical aspects of AI implementation and its ROI.

ArticleAgile you hate, Agile you need. An interview with Radosław Orszewski, Agility Practitioner

Agile you hate, Agile you need. An interview with Radosław Orszewski, Agility Practitioner

"Agile You Hate, Agile You Need" launches our "Around the Product Development" series, where Matt Hallmann talks with Radosław Orszewski, an exeprienced agility practitioner. Dive into Matt's exploration of Agile from a client's viewpoint, discussing its role in today's digital product scene. What criticisms are raised against Agile? Are there credible alternatives? And what's the key to successful Agile implementation? Read on to uncover Radosław's insights into these pivotal questions.

ArticleScrum Anti-Patterns: Red Flags in Agile Practices

Scrum Anti-Patterns: Red Flags in Agile Practices

Scrum is an agile software development methodology, based on sprints – intensely focused periods of teamwork, each resulting in a product increment. Scrum is a proven effective, productive, and efficient approach to creating quality digital products – no wonder that we’re big Scrum users at Boldare! However, Scrum is not a magic bullet; it doesn’t guarantee great results. Like any tool, it’s all in how you use it, and there are many ways in which Scrum can be used… let’s say less than effectively. Welcome to Scrum ‘anti-patterns’, practices that can lead to poor results if left unchecked. Read on for a sample selection of anti-patterns relating to all elements of the Scrum framework.

ArticleAgile Is Dead, Long Live Agile! Interview with Kate Hobler, Agile Coach and Expert

Agile Is Dead, Long Live Agile! Interview with Kate Hobler, Agile Coach and Expert

Is Agile actually dead, as some experts predict? And if so, what will happen with product development services based on Scrum and other Agile-based frameworks? I asked these and more questions to Kate Hobler, an Agile coach with over 15 years of experience. Read on to see what challenges and misconceptions affect Agile methodologies today, and what their future holds.

ArticleGet Your Business into AI for $1,000!

Get Your Business into AI for $1,000!

If you or your company’s decision-makers struggle to find the perfect balance between AI-driven innovation and cost optimization during challenging times, we have something exciting for you. We’ve just launched our AI prototyping services, which means we’ll help you implement AI-related technologies into your digital products or services for just $1,000! Intrigued? Keep reading to learn more!

ArticleAI and Agile: The Quest for Optimization. Interview with Piotr Majchrzak, Boldare Co-CEO

AI and Agile: The Quest for Optimization. Interview with Piotr Majchrzak, Boldare Co-CEO

When uncertainty hits, decision-makers tend to look for ‘old reliable’ solutions that offer a sense of security, and optimization becomes more important than innovation. On the other hand, a market slowdown is always an opportunity to outpace competitors and strengthen one’s position. How can we reconcile these two opposing forces and use innovation for optimization? About this and many other things, I talked with Piotr Majchrzak, Boldare Co-CEO. Read on to learn more.

ArticleKickstart your first  AI-based product quicker with our open-source library!

Kickstart your first AI-based product quicker with our open-source library!

The idea of giving back to the community is a fundamental aspect of Boldare’s mission. That’s why we’re excited to share something today that, developed by us, we believe belongs to everyone. Introducing the Boldare AI Assistant - a NestJS library designed to empower developers to efficiently, scalably, and swiftly create AI assistants and AI-powered chatbots. It’s accessible through GitHub and npm.

ArticleCase study: Optimizing DTIQ's Business Operations

Case study: Optimizing DTIQ's Business Operations

DTIQ, a US-based leader in advanced video surveillance and loss prevention solutions, approached Boldare with a significant challenge impacting their management and decision-making processes. In collaboration, Boldare developed a solution that not only streamlined DTIQ’s internal operations but also benefited DTiQ’s customers across various industries. This case study explores how a custom solution can enhance business efficiency significantly.

ArticleProof of concept, prototype, MVP - how best to validate your product idea?

Proof of concept, prototype, MVP - how best to validate your product idea?

Whether you're a product owner at an enterprise or a CEO steering a startup through its product-market fit phase, you're likely wrestling with budget constraints. Every decision must be considered, particularly in tough times when optimizing every penny and ensuring data-backed justification becomes a standard. This principle is fundamental to the Lean Startup methodology, where validating your idea is essential for the success of any digital product. In this article, we delve into various strategies aimed at optimizing your expenditure on product development through rigorous idea validation. Continue reading to find out which approach best aligns with your needs: proof of concept, prototype, or MVP?

ArticleHow to choose a reliable software company in Riyadh

How to choose a reliable software company in Riyadh

Riyadh is not just Saudi Arabia’s capital city; it’s also the country’s main financial hub and business center. As such, it is no surprise that it is also an increasingly digital city, with businesses showing a growing demand for digital product development services. The latest statistics predict the app development market will be worth almost 370 million dollars in 2024, with annual growth in software-related revenue of 4.87% between 2024 and 2028 (source: Statista). But the success of any digital adoption or transformation often depends on finding the right design and development partner. Businesses looking for high-quality, trustworthy, and experienced Riyadh software development services, read on.

ArticleTechnologies that Cut Development Costs

Technologies that Cut Development Costs

Various events, such as wars and crises, are shaking the markets, triggering natural defence mechanisms among decision-makers, making them look twice at every penny they’re going to spend. This is why we began exploring technologies such as no-code and low-code development platforms, alongside AI solutions, that can make the process of app and website development more economical. But if the goal is to be budget-friendly, what about quality? Surely, there must be a drawback? Well — not always! Read on for technologies that can reduce development costs with little or no compromise on quality or development time.

ArticleHummingbird-Style Scrum – When More Flexibility is Needed

Hummingbird-Style Scrum – When More Flexibility is Needed

Agile is versatile, and Scrum’s application isn’t one-size-fits-all. For smaller projects, prone to abrupt changes in priorities or direction, Scrum can be adapted to a more nimble, hummingbird-like approach, as advocated by consultant and Agile/Scrum specialist, Maarten Dalmijn. Continue reading to discover more…

ArticleAI and E-Commerce: Saving €150K While Boosting Sales and SEO

AI and E-Commerce: Saving €150K While Boosting Sales and SEO

According to a recent BCG survey, 90% of business decision-makers are either waiting for GenAI to move beyond the hype or are experimenting on a micro scale. This suggests that in 2024, 90% of your competitors will not take significant action regarding AI, presenting you with an excellent opportunity to outpace them with a reasonable budget. Today, I will share a story about an implementation that saved one of our clients approximately €150,000, while enhancing SEO and sales rates on their e-commerce platform.

ArticleCase Study: Caidio - Software Innovation in Concrete Industry

Case Study: Caidio - Software Innovation in Concrete Industry

Concrete is a vital material in modern urban construction, widely used for various purposes. However, its extensive use presents significant environmental challenges, accounting for approximately 10% of the world's industrial water consumption and 8% of global carbon dioxide emissions. In response to this, Caidio, a Finnish startup, approached us for help in implementing their environmentally-conscious technology. This case study outlines how we successfully navigated within Caidio's strict budget to achieve their technical and business goals, demonstrating the possibility of making significant improvements with limited financial resources.

Article8 Benefits Of Outsourcing Your Software Development to Poland

8 Benefits Of Outsourcing Your Software Development to Poland

Software development outsourcing is an increasingly common and successful business practice. However, the key to success is finding the right partner company. Businesses looking for talented developers, rapid results and reasonable costs should include Poland in their search list. Polish developers offer the latest skills and knowledge, run projects according to current and proven methodologies, and are proven in the industry, especially for clients in Europe and surrounding countries.

ArticleBoldare Shares Expertise in Implementing Custom AI Solutions During the Business Meetup in Riyadh

Boldare Shares Expertise in Implementing Custom AI Solutions During the Business Meetup in Riyadh

Join Boldare in Riyadh on February 28th for the 'Market Leadership with Practical AI' meetup, partnered by Maven Insights.

ArticleUsing an AI-Powered Proof of Concept for a Client from the Health Food Industry

Using an AI-Powered Proof of Concept for a Client from the Health Food Industry

Since OpenAI released their Assistant API, the possibilities of using their tools have expanded significantly. To take advantage of this, for every business inquiry we receive, we aim not only to meet the immediate business needs behind the contact but also to go the extra mile by preparing something special. Typically, this involves an additional AI-powered proof of concept (PoC) that illustrates how we can enhance a client's product with just a bit of AI assistance. Today, we want to share an interview with one of our Gen AI Engineers, Sebastian, and showcase one of the PoCs we developed for a sales pitch to a client in the health food industry.

ArticleDemonstrating Viability with Proof of Concept: An AI-Powered Chatbot Case Study

Demonstrating Viability with Proof of Concept: An AI-Powered Chatbot Case Study

We successfully developed an AI-powered chatbot as a Proof of Concept (PoC) to streamline knowledge access for a client. This project, primarily focusing on the integration of AI with diverse data formats and enabling AI to comprehend context like humans, was accomplished with minimal resources. The AI chatbot effectively accesses critical information, from meeting notes to project updates, with impressive accuracy, showcasing the potential of AI in enhancing business operations. The case study highlights the feasibility and practical implementation of AI solutions in business environments, even with limited resources.

ArticleWe celebrate a new collaboration with Netvico, our returning client!

We celebrate a new collaboration with Netvico, our returning client!

We're excited to renew our collaboration with Netvico, a key milestone in our partnership that began in 2021. Our alliance with this German marketing solutions provider has grown, fueled by our UX/UI expertise and diverse product range. The current focus is on upgrading Netvico's CMS to meet the demands of their new key clients. Netvico's use of our services for their advanced screen systems demonstrates the ongoing expansion and enhancement of their offerings.

ArticleUX/UI Web Design Company in Riyadh: A Practical Guide to Choosing the Best

UX/UI Web Design Company in Riyadh: A Practical Guide to Choosing the Best

Delve into the evolving web design industry in Riyadh. Learn how local agencies balance software development with design, the role of developers in design tasks, and why separating the roles of product developers and UX/UI designers is crucial for creating high-quality web products. This article offers insight into Riyadh's web design scene, highlighting industry practices in Saudi Arabia and the wider Middle East.

ArticleHidden Costs of App Development - The Anatomy of Product Development Services

Hidden Costs of App Development - The Anatomy of Product Development Services

When considering the most economical approach to product development, decision-makers often choose between building an in-house team and engaging external service providers. Sincerely - if your company has the resources to form its own team, that is definitely the way to go! However, it’s important to consider the full spectrum of costs associated with maintaining such a team. Beyond the considerable share of expenses that salaries represent, there are extensive costs that companies like ours absorb. So, before posting the first recruitment advert, continue reading to discover the ‘hidden’ costs of assembling your own team and understand the entire cost spectrum.

ArticleCase Study: Empowering Users of a Building Materials Trading Platform with a Smart, AI-Powered Assistant

Case Study: Empowering Users of a Building Materials Trading Platform with a Smart, AI-Powered Assistant

Discover how we supported a forward-thinking startup and created a state-of-the-art AI product for their clients. Keep reading to discover how adapting to change can drive your business’s progress and distinguish it from competitors.

ArticleHow Data-Driven Design Can Attract Investment

How Data-Driven Design Can Attract Investment

Discover the pivotal role of data-driven design in attracting investments. This article delves into how DDD aligns with business objectives and user needs, making it a magnet for potential investors.

ArticleWe have the best recruitment team in Poland - that’s official!

We have the best recruitment team in Poland - that’s official!

We’re thrilled to share that our recruitment team has been named the best in Poland! The Perły HR 2023 competition, run by Magazyn Rekruter, recognized our team for their top-notch skills in finding and attracting great candidates and making sure they have a fantastic experience with us.

ArticleUX/UI and building trust: how design supports user engagement and loyalty

UX/UI and building trust: how design supports user engagement and loyalty

In the digital realm, trust is the cornerstone of user engagement and loyalty. A company's digital products are often the primary touchpoint with customers, making UX/UI design an essential element in establishing and maintaining trust. This article delves into how thoughtful UX/UI design can create meaningful connections, build trust, and foster long-term loyalty among users.

ArticleUsability testing: early detection and repair of brand-affecting issues

Usability testing: early detection and repair of brand-affecting issues

What’s the link between usability testing and your brand reputation management? It’s simple: the perception of your brand is directly related to the user experience of your digital products and services. And the whole point of usability testing is to hone and perfect the user experience. Continue reading to discover how usability testing impacts brands, and learn how the advantages of such testing contribute to enhanced brand perception and improved business results.

ArticleHow does good UX lead to greater customer engagement?

How does good UX lead to greater customer engagement?

Customer engagement – forging a connection with customers by providing value at each touchpoint – is one of the best ways to attract and retain a loyal customer base. Digital products, such as websites, platforms or apps, offer the potential of closer customer engagement but… it all depends on the design of the user experience. In fact, your product’s UX plays a critical role in how your customers perceive you and your brand (and consequently, whether they trust you enough to give you their data and… money). This article looks at how UX influences customer engagement and how you can leverage that connection to achieve your business goals.

ArticlePractical digital product building: 7 expert-led video sessions by Boldare from 2023

Practical digital product building: 7 expert-led video sessions by Boldare from 2023

Dive into Boldare's 2023 expert video series for insights on AI product scaling, market fit, user acquisition, and conversion strategies. Gain valuable knowledge from industry professionals on how to grow and optimize your digital products effectively. Watch now to transform your digital product strategies.

ArticleDeveloping an e-invoice integration solution for ZATCA compliance in Saudi Arabia

Developing an e-invoice integration solution for ZATCA compliance in Saudi Arabia

Discover how we tackled the complex task of integrating an in-house e-invoice solution for ZATCA compliance, navigating strict requirements and technical intricacies to achieve regulatory alignment and operational efficiency.

ArticleHow Can Data Increase the Return on Investment of Your Digital Product?

How Can Data Increase the Return on Investment of Your Digital Product?

More and more, data is an essential ingredient in your digital product design process; especially if you want a product that truly fulfils user needs and provides a great UX. Everyone is talking about data-driven design but the key question is, does it impact your bottom line? And if so (it does!) then how? Read on for more on data-driven design and how you can ensure it boosts your ROI in design!

ArticleWe rank among the top global companies on the Clutch 1000 List for 2023

We rank among the top global companies on the Clutch 1000 List for 2023

Earning a coveted spot in the Clutch 1000 list for 2023, Boldare has been recognized as one of the leading B2B service providers globally. This accolade, presented by the renowned review platform Clutch, reflects our unwavering dedication to service excellence and client satisfaction, distinguishing us among over 280,000 companies worldwide

ArticleAI and UX: Enhancing User Experience through Artificial Intelligence

AI and UX: Enhancing User Experience through Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence has made an impressive impact on the world. With its versatility, it is revolutionizing almost every possible industry. Product design is also benefiting from this technology in several aspects, user experience being one of them. Therefore, in this article, we look closer at the relationship between UX and AI, discussing how the latter may be used to improve the former.

ArticleChatbots and Virtual Assistants - Revolutionizing Customer Support

Chatbots and Virtual Assistants - Revolutionizing Customer Support

For many, customer support is the area where the impact of AI is the most visible. Who hasn’t contacted a support line only to discover that the person on the other side is a bot? Indeed, AI chatbots have been widely used for a few years already. However, this revolution can be further leveraged in digital product development. How? Read on to learn more about the advantages of AI chatbots and virtual assistants.

ArticleEthical Issues with AI for Digital Product Development

Ethical Issues with AI for Digital Product Development

The development of artificial intelligence continues to drive changes in numerous industries and businesses, including product development. While many of these changes prove to be beneficial, there remain major ethical concerns, issues, and considerations regarding A user. Understanding such issues is crucial to AI implementation and use as they may determine both user and employee attitudes towards AI-powered digital products. We strongly encourage you to read on if you implement AI in any part of your business.

Article​​Boldare Highlighted in 'Business Consulting Services' in The Teal Landscape Report

​​Boldare Highlighted in 'Business Consulting Services' in The Teal Landscape Report

Boldare is honored to be featured in The Teal Landscape Report by The Teal Team, alongside notable companies such as Zappos, Spotify, Buffer, Tesla, and Patagonia. This recognition in the ‘Business Consulting Services’ category sets our position as a key player in transforming workplace practices. Read on to learn more about it!

ArticleHow is AI Transforming Data Management?

How is AI Transforming Data Management?

Effective data management is the key to a healthy IT infrastructure but also to the success of your business. Thus, improving data management processes is a critical aim for any organization. Artificial intelligence is playing an increasingly significant role in this – since its emergence, it has been used to significantly transform data management. In this article, we focus on this transformation and the changes that AI is still bringing to data management.

ArticleBenefits of early hypothesis validation in the design process

Benefits of early hypothesis validation in the design process

When it comes to new product development, assumptions are risky. However great the initial idea or concept, it is necessary to convert assumptions into measurable hypotheses and test them to ensure that the design, development, and engagement with the market are based in reality. Read on to learn about the benefits of early hypothesis validation.

ArticleBuilding an AI-Ready Team: How to Prepare Your People for AI?

Building an AI-Ready Team: How to Prepare Your People for AI?

AI comes with a wide range of new opportunities. However, to fully reap the benefits of this technology, your people need to understand and use it effectively. That requires strategy, planning, and training to establish an AI-ready culture. In this article, we focus on how to build an AI-ready Team. If you’re planning to introduce AI-based tools in your organization, read on.

ArticleMeasuring the impact of Design System services on project efficiency and ROI

Measuring the impact of Design System services on project efficiency and ROI

Designing digital products at scale brings challenges – not least of which is ensuring consistency of functionality, brand and user experience. That’s why many global companies (e.g. Google, Amazon, Airbnb, and Uber) use a design system approach to product development. Design systems can accelerate production, enable smoother collaboration, and boost return on investment. Read on to find out how a design system might improve your business, getting better products to market more rapidly; and how to measure the impact of a design system on ROI.

ArticleData-Driven Design: personalizing design based on user data

Data-Driven Design: personalizing design based on user data

A commonly heard phrase is, “designers are not users”. It’s often used to point out that a successful website, platform or app requires more than an excellent idea and a skilled team, it requires a clear understanding of who the product’s users will be. That understanding comes from data – information about the target users’ pain points, attitudes, goals, and expectations. Only then can the product and user experience be tailored – and even personalized – to the user’s needs. This principle can be applied more broadly. Just as designers are not users, marketers are not customers. The key to customer engagement – both before conversion and throughout the customer life cycle – is a data-driven understanding of who the user/customer is. Read on for more on data-driven design and how personalization of products and marketing strategies can impact your business.

ArticleBoldare supports AI startups in Germany in a partnership with K.I.E.Z. initiative

Boldare supports AI startups in Germany in a partnership with K.I.E.Z. initiative

Join Boldare on November 23rd in Berlin for Business Strategy Consultations, supporting AI startups in partnership with the K.I.E.Z. initiative

ArticleUser Journeys: the key to understanding and increasing user engagement

User Journeys: the key to understanding and increasing user engagement

Digital designers know that successful products come from putting the end user at the heart of the design process. User engagement depends on knowing your users, and the way to know them is through drawing up target personas and mapping out user journeys – the key touchpoints and steps users take in using your app or website. This principle goes wider than just product design. Understanding user journeys is key to your customer campaigns and wider business engagement. This article looks at user journeys as opportunities for enhancing your marketing strategies.

ArticleUsability testing on a budget: How to obtain valuable data without spending a fortune?

Usability testing on a budget: How to obtain valuable data without spending a fortune?

Usability testing results in better quality digital products. And these days, your digital products play a major role in achieving business and marketing goals, not to mention the overall perception of your brand. But budgets are often tight. Fortunately, effective usability testing does not have to be expensive. Read on for budget-friendly tips and strategies to ensure your digital products offer the user experience you’re aiming for.

ArticleHow does UX/UI design affect the ROI of your digital product?

How does UX/UI design affect the ROI of your digital product?

Very few digital products are truly unique on the market. Users choose a product not because there are no alternatives but because it offers a better user experience (UX). This is why businesses in the know are investing in UX design as a fundamental part of their product development. It’s not just the esthetics of the user interface (UI), how the app looks on a screen, or how easy it is to use, it’s also the wider usefulness, desirability, accessibility, and value of the product to the user. Good UX design can directly boost sales, reduce customer acquisition costs, and increase customer lifetime value – all of which impacts the business’s bottom line. Read on to find out how UX and UI design directly affect your ROI.

ArticleWhat Is Information Architecture & Why It's Important?

What Is Information Architecture & Why It's Important?

We are living in a world built by data. Accessing, organizing, and using it are of the utmost importance. Information architecture enables us to achieve these aims. But what exactly is it? What is the role of information architecture? Find out with our article!

ArticleWhat is Data Visualization and Why It's Important?

What is Data Visualization and Why It's Important?

Data is among the most popular buzzwords nowadays. Data-driven decision-making, breaking down data silos, data integration, and automation – all of these are in the interests of most businesses today. This article focuses on data visualization. Learn what it is, and why it is important.

ArticleA vision shared: Boldare and Takamol together at GITEX

A vision shared: Boldare and Takamol together at GITEX

We are proud to announce that today, during GITEX GLOBAL at the Dubai World Trade Centre, we signed a Memorandum of Understanding agreement with Takamol Holding. This agreement is designed to streamline our cooperation that has been ongoing since 2016, aiming to accelerate operational activities and improve the time to market for the products we co-create with Takamol.

ArticleOverview of the Best Data Visualization Tools

Overview of the Best Data Visualization Tools

Data visualization is the key to transforming data into an easily digestible form, accessible to many. Thus, it is natural that programs and systems are abundant and designed to shape information into a user-friendly format. What are the best data visualization tools and what functions do they have? Read on to find out.

ArticleA Step-by-Step Guide to UX Design Patterns

A Step-by-Step Guide to UX Design Patterns

UX design patterns play a pivotal role in ensuring that the interaction between users and the digital world is smooth, intuitive, and satisfying. What are there, what is their significance, and how to incorporate them effectively? In this article, we will explore the topic of UX design patterns further.

ArticleBoldare at GITEX 2023

Boldare at GITEX 2023

We’re pleased to announce that Boldare will be attending GITEX GLOBAL this year, taking place at the Dubai World Trade Centre. This event is a staple for tech enthusiasts in the region, offering a platform for showcasing innovations and building global collaborations.

Article3 Fundamental UX Design Principles

3 Fundamental UX Design Principles

With the users being accustomed to more and more convenient and enjoyable solutions, every designer has to know the fundamental principles of UX design. Read on to learn more.

ArticleStrengthening ties: our ongoing journey with Saudi Arabia

Strengthening ties: our ongoing journey with Saudi Arabia

Matt Pachnik, our business development lead, is set to spend the next two weeks in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. He’s no stranger to the area and has a distinct purpose: to bolster ongoing relationships and create new ones. This trip marks a perfect opportunity for face-to-face discussions and to identify potential collaborations.

ArticleStrengthening partnerships: a business trip to Saudi Arabia

Strengthening partnerships: a business trip to Saudi Arabia

Klaudia Jagoda, our client settlements specialist, recently made a trip to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It wasn’t the ‘holiday’ kind of business trip. Klaudia was there to get things done, connect with people, and bring back insights that can only be gained through first-hand experience.

ArticleBoldare's Berlin 21.09 Event: Discovery consultations & service blueprints workshop

Boldare's Berlin 21.09 Event: Discovery consultations & service blueprints workshop

We understand that having a vision for a new app or service is just the starting point, and the path towards implementation can be filled with questions and uncertainty. That’s why we are offering a full day of free discovery consultations in Berlin on September 21st. We encourage you to come along and take advantage of our expert’s time to learn more about your business and … improve it!

ArticleThe Benefits of Product-Led Growth

The Benefits of Product-Led Growth

Product-led growth is a concept that quickly gains popularity among businesses. It is so since it has a plethora of advantages. In this article, we will present the most prominent benefits of product-led growth to prove how valuable it is to companies nowadays. We will also explain them in more detail.

ArticleService design and blueprints: learn how to get most from your services

Service design and blueprints: learn how to get most from your services

In today’s environment, simplifying processes is important. Streamlining benefits both customers and service providers. Yet, in industries like banking, travel, and healthcare, achieving simplicity can be challenging. Customers often see only a fraction of the entire service process. From a business standpoint, any oversight can affect the quality of service. We would like to invite you to a dedicated workshop to learn how to keep services simple and avoid risking revenue and customer satisfaction

ArticleIntercem 2023 highlights: how Gen AI is revolutionizing the cement industry

Intercem 2023 highlights: how Gen AI is revolutionizing the cement industry

The central theme of the joint presentation by Blink’s CEO and Boldare’s Head of AI Solutions at Intercem 2023, a major cement industry event, was the role of Gen AI in the cement and cargo shipment sectors. The event also spotlighted the Blink platform, crafted by Boldare. Yet the standout was the demonstration of Ana - an AI-powered personal assistant that augments the Blink experience. Read on to discover how we aim to transform the cargo shipment industry landscape.

ArticleHow to do SEO for mobile apps?

How to do SEO for mobile apps?

Mobile apps are an essential part of most businesses nowadays. The sources vary in the exact numbers, yet the average amount of time spent daily on using mobile apps in the years 2012-2013 by US citizens was about 2 hours (via Business Insider). Statista provides more recent insight, with 46% of US citizens spending 5–6 hours daily on their phones. Thus, reaching out to customers by creating mobile apps isn’t an advantage, it is a must. But simply developing an app will not be enough – you still need to promote it. In this article, we will focus on that, and explain how to do SEO for mobile apps. We invite you to read on.

ArticleThe best ways to validate MVPs

The best ways to validate MVPs

The purpose of creating a minimum viable product (MVP) is to test the key features of your digital product with users. It’s a critical process of validation for both the product and the underlying business idea. The results influence the further development of the final product in line with the build-measure-learn approach that we take at Boldare, ultimately leading to product-market fit. This article focuses on that process of validation, including the various best practices, techniques, and types of MVP used.

ArticleImproving the customer experience – the answer is UX/UI design

Improving the customer experience – the answer is UX/UI design

If you have – or are developing – any kind of e-commerce website, its success will largely depend on the experience of your customers. And when it comes to online shopping, today’s customers have high expectations. What this means in terms of your website’s design and development is that the user interface (UI) and overall user experience (UX) are top priorities. The design, layout, and visual identity of your site will determine how easy it is for customers to find what they want and make a purchase. If you want an illustration, Baymard looked at data from 41 different studies and found that on average, 69.57% of customers abandon their online shopping cart at the checkout. That’s a lot of sales revenue being lost. The answer is to optimize your UI design, creating a smooth and intuitive process that makes it easy to purchase and encourages customers to return to your site. This article looks at some best practice elements of UI design that you can use to improve the customer experience on your website.

ArticleAmsterdam Meetup: Accelerate Your Business Growth with Product Strategy and User-Centric Design

Amsterdam Meetup: Accelerate Your Business Growth with Product Strategy and User-Centric Design

This time, our crew sets sail in Amsterdam! Join our Product Strategist, Oskar Kwitek, and Growth Tribe expert, Tarek Reslan, for our double-featured meetup. If you’re an entrepreneur or decision-maker eager to explore Product-Led Growth and user-centric design, this is for you. Continue reading for more details about the event.

ArticleBlink and Boldare: revolutionizing the industry landscape at Intercem 2023

Blink and Boldare: revolutionizing the industry landscape at Intercem 2023

Next week marks a significant milestone in the collaboration between Blink and Boldare. We are extremely honored to participate in Intercem 2023, a major independent cement industry conference. We invite you to attend our joint presentation dedicated to AI and to visit us at the Blink booth, where you can explore the application we developed collaboratively and talk with our Head of AI Solutions. We are confident that our product will profoundly transform the bulk trading industry.

Article8 ways to monetize your digital product

8 ways to monetize your digital product

Digital products are not often created ‘just for fun’ – usually, there is a commercial motive involved, a return on the investment of the product’s research, design, development, and launch. After all, if it’s a product worth using, it brings value to its users – that value means it is reasonable to expect something in return. To achieve that “something”, you need to decide how to monetize your product. This article assumes that you have already – as part of the design and development process – researched your target market and understand your users and their pain points. The question here is, what monetization strategies can you use to realize your product’s value?

ArticleCase Study: Improving Cybersixgill's lead generation with new website

Case Study: Improving Cybersixgill's lead generation with new website

When Cybersixgill, a global cybersecurity leader, needed a website revamp to better tell their brand story and increase lead generation, they turned to Boldare. With a firm deadline set around a major industry event, the stakes were high. Boldare, introduced by a British creative communications agency, Eclipse, tackled this challenge head-on. The result? A successful website overhaul that pushed user growth by 45% and improved other key indicators, shaping a decisive win for Cybersixgill's online presence. This is the inside story of how Boldare and Cybersixgill navigated a tight timeline to achieve tangible results.

ArticleDigital Product Launch Strategy that Effectively Attracts New Clients

Digital Product Launch Strategy that Effectively Attracts New Clients

Product launch is always a time of excitement – after weeks, months, and sometimes even years of development, the theory finally becomes practice, and the project finally becomes a product. Yet, before it, you need to come up with a strategy – how to launch your new product? In this article, we will focus exactly on that. Do you want to learn how to attract clients with your product’s premier? Then read on!

ArticleHow to Increase Conversion Rates and Improve Brand Recognition through the Website?

How to Increase Conversion Rates and Improve Brand Recognition through the Website?

We might want to take a personal approach, and we might like clever, catchy marketing, but in the end, one thing matters – the numbers. The conversion rates and growing brand awareness are what define a successful campaign. In this article, we will focus on the marketing value of your website. How to improve brand recognition and increase conversion rates on it? Read on to find out!

ArticleHow to Start Making Sales by Delivering the First Version of a Product

How to Start Making Sales by Delivering the First Version of a Product

The first version of a product always faces additional challenges. It usually does not have enough recognition or a user base, while being the basis for estimating whether further development heads in the right direction. In this article, we will focus exactly on that – making sales by delivering the first version of a product. Do you wish to learn how to do that? Then keep reading.

Article6 Steps to Optimize Your Website to Attract Investors

6 Steps to Optimize Your Website to Attract Investors

A website is a gateway between your business and its clients or potential investors. No matter whether you run a startup or a well-established company, you need to constantly acquire new clients and high-end investors, using your website to the fullest. In this article, we will focus on the second group: investors. Are you looking for the best ways to attract potential investors through your company’s website? We explain how to do it here, so read on.

ArticleHow to Build Brand Image and Attract Customers through the Website?

How to Build Brand Image and Attract Customers through the Website?

A website is your tool and your communication channel. It is used for several purposes: improving brand recognition, acquiring investors, building a brand image, or attracting customers. In this article, we will focus on the last two functions from this list. **If you wish to learn how to build a brand image and attract customers to your website, just read on.**

ArticleHow to Establish a Strong Visual Identity for your Website

How to Establish a Strong Visual Identity for your Website

As a business, do you want people to recognize you, know you, remember you? Of course you do. And one of the most effective ways to achieve this is through the visual identity of your website, the foundation of your online presence. A strong visual identity can set you apart from the competition and that’s what you want from your website. This article looks at the elements of how to create a strong online visual identity, and how to find the right partner to help you do so.

Article7 Website Strategies Proven to Increase User Engagement

7 Website Strategies Proven to Increase User Engagement

Your website is your showroom. It’s the place where clients (and potential clients) can find your products, services, promises, values… everything they need to decide whether to ‘buy’ or not. As such, your website is a prime source of user engagement, lead generation and – ultimately – revenue.

ArticleThe Future Trends of Product Management

The Future Trends of Product Management

The market is evolving rapidly. With new digital generations entering it and the internet becoming a standard that we cannot imagine living without, there are bound to be some changes. Today we will focus on one particular aspect of business that is transforming at a stunning pace – product management. What are the latest product management trends? Let’s take a look at what Product School’s The Future of Product Management report has to say about that.

ArticleWe are setting the benchmark: Boldare's Service Standards in a nutshell

We are setting the benchmark: Boldare's Service Standards in a nutshell

Our emphasis on client’s business needs has shaped us into who we are. With nearly 20 years of digital product-building expertise under our belt, we understand that in this complex environment, delivering high-quality value is incredibly challenging. To meet their unique needs every client deserves the same exceptional experience, regardless of their size or budget. They’re seeking stability in a volatile environment and, as one of the first companies on the market, we’re here to deliver. Meet our Service Standards and read on to see what’s in them for you!

ArticleOrganizational culture and the market

Organizational culture and the market

Organizations are like people – they’re all individuals, with different value systems and culture. Whether you’re a startup or a globe-spanning corporation, these differences have a significant impact on how you approach product development, experimentation and measurement. And, ultimately, how you achieve product-market fit. At our recent “Finding Product-Market Fit: Berlin” event, Kate Hobler, Co-Founder & CEO at Brass Willow, explored the question of how organizational culture impacts how we enter the market, experiment and measure. If you think that it doesn’t matter how you run your startup or business, Kate is here to tell you otherwise.

ArticleCustomer-Centric Product Development - Tips & Benefits

Customer-Centric Product Development - Tips & Benefits

Customer-centric product development is a trend that can be widely observed in the market. It has been caused by the skyrocketing prices of customer acquisition and the rising awareness and focus on product-led growth. This approach comes with numerous benefits if done properly. In this article we will focus on customer-centric new product development with tips on how to do it.

ArticleWhat is Customer-Centricity in Product Management?

What is Customer-Centricity in Product Management?

Customer-centricity has become a widely-used approach among the leading companies in their respective industries. A prominent example of this is Ikea, which builds a complex customer experience in their stores. Restaurants, spaces dedicated to each type of rooms, or even their Ikea Place app which allows users to create a 3D plan of their homes and place their furniture within it, are all dedicated to fulfilling the customers’ needs rather than promoting the features of their products. The fact that such big players understand and utilize customer-centricity means one thing: this is a strategy to pursue. Therefore, in this article, we will focus on the customer-centric approach in product development and product management. We encourage you to keep reading.

ArticleFrom idea to success - testing strategies in customer-centric product development

From idea to success - testing strategies in customer-centric product development

We’ve all had a eureka moment, an idea that – in the moment, at least – seems like it could be a truly great product. But the reality is, not all ideas are worth implementing. In fact, it’s very easy to create a product that nobody wants. How can you avoid this particular disaster scenario? At our recent event, "Finding Product-Market Fit: Berlin," Boldare's product designer, Kateryna Kaida, provided the answer to this exact question. The key lies in smart experimentation.

ArticleAchieving and maintaining product-market fit through cost optimization

Achieving and maintaining product-market fit through cost optimization

A fundamental issue in any product development process, especially when striving for product-market fit, is affordability. Can you afford to test your product idea? Can you afford to develop the product? Can you afford the product to fail, if it comes to that? These were the questions tackled at our recent “Finding Product-Market Fit: Berlin” event by Geert-Jan Dirven, Consulting Partner at Expense Reduction Analysts, experts in cost optimization. This article is based on highlights taken from Geert’s keynote presentation.

ArticleBulk shipping industry: disrupting the market with a digital platform

Bulk shipping industry: disrupting the market with a digital platform

With a heavy reliance on phone calls and messaging apps, the market for bulk materials shipping has faced limitations in terms of accessibility to information and conducting transactions. In response to this, our client is determined to disrupt the industry by introducing a digital marketplace for buyers and sellers. Together we have developed a platform that simplifies operations and mitigates risks, resulting in a more efficient and user-friendly business experience for hundreds of companies. The app is now available to users, providing them with a streamlined process for conducting their business and strengthening our client’s revenue streams.

ArticleCase Study: user-centric, mobile development for the YOUCAT Foundation

Case Study: user-centric, mobile development for the YOUCAT Foundation

Creating an app is one thing. Establishing a bond with users and giving them a genuine reason to keep using the app is an entirely different and much more challenging matter. That’s why we were delighted to help our client, the YOUCAT Foundation, when they reached out for assistance with their mobile app development. Today, the app is thriving, with over 60% of users returning for the content they value. Read on to learn how changing the tech stack and conducting numerous user studies improved user retention and satisfaction.

ArticleHighlights from our "Finding Product-Market Fit" event in Berlin

Highlights from our "Finding Product-Market Fit" event in Berlin

Yesterday, we had the incredible honor of hosting our much-anticipated event, "Finding Product-Market Fit" in the beautiful city of Berlin. This event brought together a fantastic mix of industry experts, business leaders, and curious innovators, all united in their quest to explore the tools and insights needed to achieve product-market fit and drive product success. Here are the highlights from this incredible event.

ArticleBoldare earns 5-Star review for mobile app development

Boldare earns 5-Star review for mobile app development

We are thrilled to announce that we have received a glowing 5-star review on Clutch for our work with a German biblical publishing company. This review recognizes our success in increasing user numbers, enhancing satisfaction, and improving ROI. Let's dive into the details of this exceptional review.

ArticleMarketing for Digital Products: How to Market & Promote a Digital Product?

Marketing for Digital Products: How to Market & Promote a Digital Product?

The plain truth is that to succeed with your product, it's not enough to simply do it well. Vision, strategy, roadmap, and execution are all essential. However, even the best-crafted digital product won't pay off and start generating revenue if users can't find it. And that is what this article is dedicated to—the challenging art of effective marketing.

Article8 Ideas for an App's Pre-Launch Marketing Campaign

8 Ideas for an App's Pre-Launch Marketing Campaign

The finest app marketing campaigns start before the launch. Raising product awareness is key to user acquisition and may be done even prior to the initial introduction of the application. It is quite beneficial to start acting early on – it might allow your company to switch to acquisition at the product release stage. But to do so, you need to use the best pre-launch app marketing strategies. Therefore, we will focus on eight such strategies in this article – read on if you are interested.

Article7 Tips for an Effective Mobile App Marketing Strategy

7 Tips for an Effective Mobile App Marketing Strategy

Great mobile app design and development are only a half of success. If you aspire for your mobile application to beat the competition, you need an efficient mobile app marketing strategy. Raising awareness of your app, acquiring new users and retaining the existing ones requires extensive effort. In this article, we will focus on digital marketing strategies for mobile apps and present a few tips on how to make your application flourish. Read on to learn more about it!

ArticleHow to Write a Product Vision Statement -  Examples & Tips

How to Write a Product Vision Statement - Examples & Tips

It is impossible to create a great product without a clear-cut product vision. Your team would not be able to follow the principles of project design without a direction laid out. Yet, thinking of a product vision is not enough. It has to be verbalized and written down. How can you write such a product vision statement? We will explain how in this article.

ArticleProduct Vision, Strategy & Roadmap - What Are the Differences?

Product Vision, Strategy & Roadmap - What Are the Differences?

The product vision, strategy and roadmap are the key elements of every product release. Through them, it is possible to define the product aims, plan a way to achieve them, present your target and keep your stakeholders and clients on board. These three concepts are linked together like elements of a machine – each of them has a different purpose and use, but they are only truly effective when combined. In this article, we will focus on the differences between the product vision, strategy and roadmap and explain how you should use them to plan your product development effectively.

ArticleIs AI secure? A look at how to use ChatGPT safely

Is AI secure? A look at how to use ChatGPT safely

Explore the safety aspects of ChatGPT, the groundbreaking AI chatbot. Understand potential risks and discover strategies for its secure deployment.

ArticleSoftware development in Germany - costs, challenges, and chances

Software development in Germany - costs, challenges, and chances

Germany's software development market is in a state of robust growth. As the biggest software market in Europe, it represents approximately 25% of the total European market, outpacing both the UK and France. Expectations are for the German software development market to experience a growth rate [of 4.16% from 2023 to 2028.](https://www.statista.com/outlook/tmo/software/germany) However, with great potential also comes heightened competition.

ArticleChatGPT's risks and pitfalls: what you need to know before implementing it in your product

ChatGPT's risks and pitfalls: what you need to know before implementing it in your product

The buzz surrounding ChatGPT is significant. Some experts in the software development industry view it as a blessing that will significantly reduce development costs and make coding more accessible. Others perceive OpenAI's product as a tsunami that could potentially devastate the software industry. However, it is still too early to make a definitive statement about its impact. Like any other tool, this one is prone to numerous risks. In this article, I will list the most significant ones that I believe are relevant to using ChatGPT (or similar tools based on language models) in digital products.

ArticleChat GPT by OpenAI - how can it be used? Use cases based on our experience

Chat GPT by OpenAI - how can it be used? Use cases based on our experience

Software developers have already embraced the power of ChatGPT, with many citing the tool’s ability to quickly generate code as a major benefit. But the tool is widely used by many other professionals who work in the product development industry. We asked some of the Boldare team to give us some real-life examples of how they have used ChatGPT models. Read on to see how we are embracing this topic.

ArticleThe Agile Product Builders Community: a network for professionals

The Agile Product Builders Community: a network for professionals

Developing and managing digital products can be a challenging and sometimes lonely journey. Whether you’re a product manager or engineer, it’s important to stay informed and up-to-date on the latest trends in the industry but also to be able to ask your peers how they coped with numerous product-related challenges. The Agile Product Builders Community is an online Slack-based community that provides experts involved in product development with the resources, support, and connections they need to succeed.

ArticleWhat Is A Burndown Chart? Scrum Basics

What Is A Burndown Chart? Scrum Basics

If you’ve ever come into contact with Agile ways of working or using the Scrum framework to develop a digital product, you’ve heard the term ‘burndown chart’. Although it is not an essential tool during your day to day Agile work, it very often helps team members keep track of the scope of the work (and project too!). If you’ve ever wondered, just what is a burndown chart, you’re in the right place. Read on for a definition together with the benefits a burndown chart can bring to your product development, plus some tips on use.

ArticleHow data visualization influences user experience in digital products: three use cases

How data visualization influences user experience in digital products: three use cases

Businesses rely on data almost entirely. From e-commerce to the renewable energy sector, properly gathered and interpreted information helps businesses to make decisions. Data visualization helps to transform endless datasets and spreadsheets into easy to understand graphs that give value from the first look. In this article, we will present some of our products based on data visualization and how they bring value to both B2B and B2C users.

ArticleNorth Star metrics in digital product development

North Star metrics in digital product development

The secret to creating a top quality digital product is data. By gathering and analyzing information in the form of project metrics, development teams can better understand user needs and drive business results, and deliver a product that will meet those needs. But which data, which metrics? The choice of potential metrics for your digital product’s development is almost endless. Which is where the idea of a North Star metric comes in. To find out what a North Star metric is, and how it can benefit your product, read on.

ArticleHow we kickstarted our collaboration with a US manufacturing client

How we kickstarted our collaboration with a US manufacturing client

Recently, Boldare took the opportunity to visit one of our clients in the United States from the motor and robotic manufacturing industry. We wanted to kickstart our collaboration and get through the Product Discovery Workshops in order to best understand their business needs. During our 4-day trip, we visited their office in Cleveland and began learning more about their company.

ArticleHow to improve team efficiency using the burndown chart metric - a case story

How to improve team efficiency using the burndown chart metric - a case story

The burndown chart is one of the most popular metrics used by most Scrum teams working on digital products. Read on our case study to learn what it is.

ArticleWhat is Voice User Interface and why should you care?

What is Voice User Interface and why should you care?

Voice user interface (VUI) has been a regular feature of trending technology lists in the last few years. Perhaps that’s no surprise with widespread examples of devices using speech recognition, such as Apple’s Siri and Amazon’s Alexa. But VUI is more than just interacting with devices using your voice - it’s a sophisticated element of the user experience that presents both advantages for the user and challenges for the designer. Read on to find out what VUI is, what it offers, and the unique issues involved in using it.

ArticleOpen bank-based, real-time payment solution for a UK fintech startup

Open bank-based, real-time payment solution for a UK fintech startup

Building a digital product for a customer from a fintech industry is always a challenge. The market is heavily regulated and developed unevenly across the world’s regions. However, somewhere between cutting-edge technology and tons of paperwork, amazing things happen. In this case study, we briefly describe our collaboration with a UK-based fintech startup and our role in implementing a real-time payments platform for the biggest bank in Latin America.

Article10 Reasons why you should use an Agile methodology

10 Reasons why you should use an Agile methodology

We've put together TOP 10 Advantages of Agile Methodology for you. Check out the fundamental benefits of working agile, regardless of which framework you use.

ArticleWhat’s our approach to building a product development team for you?

What’s our approach to building a product development team for you?

Selecting a product development team is like building your ideal sports team. It should consist of leaders but also followers. It should be experienced, but include fresh vitality. The team should play according to a clear strategy and understand the vision they’re obligated to accomplish. But what exactly is our approach to building a development team to work on your product? Read on to learn how you can benefit from our process.

ArticleSaving resources for a media company with an MVP app and Tableau implementation

Saving resources for a media company with an MVP app and Tableau implementation

Every larger company usually has extensive education and training needs for its employees. The larger the company, the more time and effort HR and training departments tend to need to plan, organize and deliver various training sessions. Without a suitable digital solution in use, the process is expensive in terms of time and resources. In this case study, you will see how we helped a international media company improve their training process, saving approximately €70,000 monthly in people’s capacity, with an MVP application and Tableau implementation.

ArticleThe ultimate guide to successful digital product design

The ultimate guide to successful digital product design

What does it take to achieve successful product design? It comes down not only to having an expert team, but also using the best tools and following the right product design process. In this guide, we’ll tell you everything you need to know to start your design project on the right foot. We’ll begin by explaining the principles and steps involved in digital design, and then take you all the way through to choosing the right tools.

ArticleHelping Ukraine: Boldare strengthens support for Tech To The Rescue

Helping Ukraine: Boldare strengthens support for Tech To The Rescue

Boldare continues and expands its support for our Ukrainian neighbors. We have delegated a development team who, together with Tech To The Rescue (TTTR) and other technological companies, will create a web app that will connect refugees with volunteers and organizations that offer them help from their very first minutes in Poland.

ArticleWhat is a PWA and how can it enhance your business?

What is a PWA and how can it enhance your business?

Everyone’s talking about progressive web apps (PWAs). In a world that usually has to choose between the basic duality of web and native applications, PWAs offer a best-of-both-worlds approach that is becoming more and more attractive to businesses. In this article, we look at the basics: what a PWA is, how it compares to other types of apps, and what the benefits of investing in a PWA are.

ArticleWhat is the lean canvas and how can it help with your digital product?

What is the lean canvas and how can it help with your digital product?

There are plenty of ways of describing your business idea. You can use the classic approach and create a detailed business plan in a 35-page document. But you can also go fully Agile and choose something less time consuming and more effective - a business model canvas or lean canvas. It’s a quick way to verbalize and verify business models while avoiding waste. Read on to learn more!

ArticlePrinciples of product design – how to design a successful digital product

Principles of product design – how to design a successful digital product

All great products abide by design principles. Think of them as values everyone understands and champions. Lights along the winding footpath that is the design process, guiding teams to the final vision, the end-product. In this article we’re going to take a look at the above-mentioned principles and share with you a few product design tips to make the design process easier to follow.

Article11 top product design tools we recommend using

11 top product design tools we recommend using

While product design is an exciting journey for anyone working on a new website or app, it also comes with a set of challenges. Hiring an expert team is just one ingredient for success; the rest is making sure that your designers have access to the right software. With that in mind, we’ve come up with a list of 11 product design tools worth considering when you embark on your digital design journey.

ArticleBoldare’s work featured among the best website designs of 2021-2022

Boldare’s work featured among the best website designs of 2021-2022

Exciting news! Boldare’s Boards website is featured in the list of top 10 mobile and app designs compiled by DesignRush, the online guide to finding the best professional technology agencies.

ArticleAnother 5-star review for Boldare on Clutch.co

Another 5-star review for Boldare on Clutch.co

The 5-star reviews on Clutch.co continue to arrive! This latest piece of heartfelt appreciation comes from our partner, endios, the SaaS provider focused on smart city and smart energy apps in Germany.

ArticleAn Introduction to the Product Canvas

An Introduction to the Product Canvas

Before creating an MVP of a new product, before a development team can begin the first sprint, you need clarity on what that product is intended to achieve, who it will benefit, and how. The product canvas is an ideal way to collaboratively create that clarity. A simple, one-page template, the product canvas nevertheless covers all the key aspects of a high-level product idea, including preparation for the first round of active development work. Read on to find out what the product canvas is and how it can benefit your digital product development.

ArticleBad product design – key mistakes to avoid according to five experts

Bad product design – key mistakes to avoid according to five experts

To help you avoid bad product design and mistakes in your digital product, we’ve asked our product designers to share their experiences. Here’s what they said!

ArticleProduct page design – how to create user-friendly websites

Product page design – how to create user-friendly websites

Humans are more connected to the internet than ever before. This means that a website is an absolute necessity for anyone hoping to sell their products or services. Luckily, the internet is full of examples that can inspire you to come up with the best product page design that will keep users engaged. In this article, we’re going to answer some of the most common product design questions. We’ll also discuss the best design practices that will keep users flying in!

ArticleDigital product design process – a step by step guide

Digital product design process – a step by step guide

Building a digital product - is it as easy as it sounds? In this article we are breaking down the process of designing a digital product: be it an app or a web service. Read on further to find out what stages you need to consider before you release your product.

Article2022: our Partners share predictions for travel, real estate, automotive and education sectors

2022: our Partners share predictions for travel, real estate, automotive and education sectors

2021 was full of lessons. Will 2022 be any different? We asked our partners about the future of software development. Their insight is based on decades of experiance in their respective industries. What did they have to say? Read on to find out.

ArticleDigital products in the travel industry – how Boldare is supporting the sector’s digital transformation

Digital products in the travel industry – how Boldare is supporting the sector’s digital transformation

This article presents the challenges challenges facing the travel & tourism sector, and how Boldare has been supporting digital transformation for travel industry.

ArticlePress Release: Boldare Launches CTO as a Service

Press Release: Boldare Launches CTO as a Service

CTO as a Service at Boldare includes a three-domain approach, is built on the company’s holacratic organizational structure and is delivered more cost effectively than competitive solutions.

ArticleBreaking the rules: Piotr Majchrzak featured in Owners Magazine

Breaking the rules: Piotr Majchrzak featured in Owners Magazine

Boldare’s Co-CEO tells the story of his entrepreneurial beginnings and shares his vision on running a company in this interview for Owners Magazine. If you want to know why it’s worth breaking the rules, and how working at Boldare is like living in a city, then read on!

ArticleHolacracy in a nutshell: everything you should know if you run a company

Holacracy in a nutshell: everything you should know if you run a company

Almost four years ago, we started our transformation to holacracy. That transformation – deliberately – is still going on today. It’s an ongoing process. In this article, we’ll cover the essentials of what holacracy is, and how we use it here at Boldare. Read on to find out about roles, circles and who decides about salary increases if there are no managers around.

ArticleScrum Master Certification: Everything You Need to Know

Scrum Master Certification: Everything You Need to Know

What is a Scrum Master Certification? How to get it? Do I need one to be a good Scrum Master? Check out our article and learn more about it!

ArticleIs Anna Zarudzka, Boldare’s Co-CEO, a business hippie?

Is Anna Zarudzka, Boldare’s Co-CEO, a business hippie?

If you want to know answers to this and many other tricky questions, we encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the Future Candy podcast, one of the most influential German web broadcasts, dedicated to innovation.

ArticleGood things come in pairs - so do awards for our products!

Good things come in pairs - so do awards for our products!

We are thrilled to announce that we won Best UI Design, Best UX Design and Best Innovation award, and Special Kudos awards from CSS Design Awards. The awards were granted to two of the websites we recently developed. Future Work - created for one of our clients and Remote Work - prepared for our Employer Branding team. Read on to find out more about the winning websites and our numerous awards!

Article Clutch names Boldare as Leading Web Development Firm for 2021

Clutch names Boldare as Leading Web Development Firm for 2021

Boldare has been recognised as a top web development company in Poland by Clutch.co, and named as a 2021 Clutch Leader! It’s a direct consequence of our hard work on our customer’s digital products, and the results they achieve thanks to our support.

ArticleWe’ve been cited as an Honoree in the 2021 Webby Awards!

We’ve been cited as an Honoree in the 2021 Webby Awards!

Once again, Boldare’s work gets some love from industry experts and technology innovators. This time, it’s our own Boldare Boards landing page – we’ve been named as an Honoree alongside the shortlist in the Best Homepage category.

Article5-star Clutch.co review for digital prototyping services in the food industry

5-star Clutch.co review for digital prototyping services in the food industry

Our services have been appreciated once again! We’ve received a new, five-star Clutch.co review from our French client, working in the food solutions industry.

ArticleDigital transformation for sonnen - a renewable energy service provider

Digital transformation for sonnen - a renewable energy service provider

sonnen is a renewable energy service provider with its headquarters in Wildpoldsried, Germany. Thanks to sonnen solutions, its customers can produce, store and share their own electricity. The balanced energy exchange between households connected to the sonnen network allows its customers to be 100% independent from traditional suppliers.

ArticleTransparency at work - our best practices for remote working

Transparency at work - our best practices for remote working

At the beginning of 2020, global companies had to adapt their strategies to a new normal situation which included remote working for many of them. Whether you like it or not, that’s the pandemic reality we all need to face. Boldare has always valued transparency at work highly and considers it to be a key to success, while communicating with both clients and team members. Proper communication, thorough task prioritization, and planning is critical for efficiency in the home office. That’s why today I would like to present to you some of our best practices for working remotely.

ArticleBoldare honoured with a NextGen Enterprise Award!

Boldare honoured with a NextGen Enterprise Award!

We are extremely happy and proud to inform you that Boldare has won a NextGen Enterprise Award in the New Enterprise category! The NextGen Enterprise Awards highlight a new type of company that is agile, non-hierarchical and value-driven. These awards are for companies changing their world through their innovative approaches to products and services.

ArticleBoldare at the NextGen enterprise summit 2020

Boldare at the NextGen enterprise summit 2020

Boldare will participate in the NextGen Enterprise Summit, to be held in Paris between 25th and 27th of November. We will be there in a dual role: as a company nominated for a NextGen award in the New Enterprise category, and as host of the Deconstructing leadership workshop, held by Boldare co-founder, Anna Zarudzka.

ArticleBoldare’s 2020 - our summary

Boldare’s 2020 - our summary

The year 2020 will be remembered, no doubt about it. But alongside the events that impacted us all, life, work and business continued. It was definitely a VUCA year – the essence of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. But in facing the challenges, some businesses found opportunities to do more than just survive, even found themselves prepared in some ways for the unexpected crisis. For sure, here at Boldare, our long-established agile methodology, and our prior adoption of principles such as holacracy and radical transparency helped us pivot to new ways of working.

ArticleWe won Gold in the Lovie Awards!

We won Gold in the Lovie Awards!

Once again our work has been appreciated in an amazing contest. Today we are thrilled to reveal that this time our design for the Explore Chartipedia website has been honored with a Gold Lovie Award in the “Websites: Best Homepage” category! Fun fact: it’s the fifth international award for this landing page we have received since April!

ArticleWe won a German Design Awards 2021 award!

We won a German Design Awards 2021 award!

Receiving a design award is always something that makes us very proud. Not only because we are happy about the award itself but because it is yet more proof that our unique design and development process works and creates value for our partners. Moreover, we are delighted because the prestigious German Design Award prize comes from a jury representing the German Design Council - one of the world’s most important competence centers for the communication, brand management and design fields. Read on to learn more!

ArticleFifth 5-star review on Clutch for Boldare!

Fifth 5-star review on Clutch for Boldare!

We are happy to announce that Boldare just received another 5 star review on Clutch.co. It’s our 5th 5-star review in a row and yet another from an American company.

ArticleBoldare named a Top Development Partner by Clutch

Boldare named a Top Development Partner by Clutch

Here at Boldare, we know it can be taxing for any business to balance high growth while dealing with the post-COVID implications that have affected the whole world. Thanks to our agile-oriented mindset and rapid reaction to the New Normal situation we are not only thriving, but we are also able to help other businesses. In recognition of our success and impact, we’ve been named, again, a top development partner in Poland by Clutch, the B2B listing resource.

ArticleNew, 5-star review on Clutch.co for Boldare

New, 5-star review on Clutch.co for Boldare

We are extremely proud to announce that we have received a new, 5-star review on Clutch.co. This time for a collaboration with a US real estate company based in Florida

ArticleHow to build an efficient software development team during a crisis?

How to build an efficient software development team during a crisis?

As the pandemic crisis continues, the only certainty is … the lack of certainty. Businesses seem to be adopting one of three basic strategies. First, do nothing, wait and hope (risky!). Second, cut everything you can and aim to rebuild later (more likely to survive but at what cost?) And third, actively plan for the new world as it emerges (the most likely to see you thrive but let’s not underestimate the difficulty). It’s with this last strategy in mind that Boldare put together our three-part Crash Course webinar series, “How to manage risks, web products & software teams in a recession” to help businesses get inspired and get the tools they need to shape their future.

ArticleChartipedia: from Instagram to data visualization platform

Chartipedia: from Instagram to data visualization platform

Data rules the world. It fuels our companies and supports our decision-making. To take advantage of data, there’s only one condition: you must understand it. And it’s hard to do if the only thing you see is a set of numbers, or boring pie charts made in Word 2007. So, how to change this? Chartipedia is the torch-bearer platform that connects designers who create interactive, data-backed visualizations, with those who seek information.

ArticleEvent storming or product vision? Discover workshops that will help to build your next app

Event storming or product vision? Discover workshops that will help to build your next app

We use a variety of different focused workshops as part of our scrum processes, with full client involvement and radical transparency, to identify, analyze and fully understand the factors that will impact the product. This article gives an overview of the eight main workshop formats in Boldare’s toolkit (although of course, they’re not the only ones we use!). For more detail on any of them, follow the links below.

Article4 ideas for remote meetings with dispersed teams using the Sprint Retrospective Tool

4 ideas for remote meetings with dispersed teams using the Sprint Retrospective Tool

When we created theSprint Retrospective Tool, we were thinking mainly about a tool that could help us conduct remote scrum retrospective meetings with dispersed teams. But life is full of surprises, and our tool has many more use cases than we thought at the beginning. Now we’d like to share some ideas with you, as the efficiency of remote working is suddenly more important than ever. Scroll down to see how you could use our free Sprint Retrospective Tool with your remote teams.

ArticleBoldare recognized as Top AngularJS developer by Clutch

Boldare recognized as Top AngularJS developer by Clutch

Today, more companies are realizing the benefits of custom software development. It helps businesses address specific issues and can be much more efficient than out-of-the-box software.

ArticleThe Silver Indigo Award prize for Boldare!

The Silver Indigo Award prize for Boldare!

We are extremely happy and proud to announce that Boldare, once again, won Silver in the prestigious Indigo Design Award, in the “Website Design” category! The awarded project is an online platform for a leading German company in the health and beauty industry - LR Health & Beauty.

ArticleBoldare’s new 5-star review on Clutch.co!

Boldare’s new 5-star review on Clutch.co!

It’s no secret that reliable development firms are hard to come by. When you do find the right partner, evaluating their impact can be even harder. As an experienced digital product design and development company, we feel that we’ve found the key to unlocking quality services that can be effectively measured by each of our clients.

ArticleInternational recognition for Boldare’s Machine Learning services

International recognition for Boldare’s Machine Learning services

At Boldare, we are passionate about the services we provide and we love it when somebody notices. So, we’re delighted to announce that Boldare features on Clutch.co’s list of “2019 Leading Developers Across a Variety of Technology Focus Areas“ in the “Machine Learning Companies“ subcategory.