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Klaudia Cembor – Client Partner

Klaudia Cembor

Client Partner

at Boldare - Product Design and Development Company

ArticleThe UK’s Guide for Decision Makers to Selecting the Best Nearshore Outsourcing Partner

The UK’s Guide for Decision Makers to Selecting the Best Nearshore Outsourcing Partner

If you can, avoid outsourcing; it’s always better to have an in-house team. However, having a dedicated development team, including a QA engineer and product designer, is a luxury. In 2023, 54% of organizations faced a tech skills shortage, according to Forbes, so companies must either hire internally or find a reliable software outsourcing partner. The first step in choosing an external partner is deciding on the outsourcing model: nearshore or offshore. Today I will focus on the challenges UK companies face when outsourcing, covering reliable partners, cultural and legal considerations. Read on for a comprehensive guide on the pros, cons, costs, and best practices of UK-Europe nearshore software outsourcing.