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Dawid Żurowski – Product Designer

Dawid Żurowski

Product Designer

at Boldare - Product Design and Development Company

ArticleHow to Do UX Research Without Reaching Users

How to Do UX Research Without Reaching Users

User testing is a crucial tool for most product designers. However, my recent experience shows that sometimes, the team working on an app doesn’t have access to its users due to client restrictions or language barriers. This means that, while the team wants to conduct user testing, they simply can’t. So, how do you deal with it? Is it possible to conduct the testing anyway? In this article, I will explain how to bypass these obstacles. Enjoy your reading!

ArticleJuly ‘23 Designers’ Digest

July ‘23 Designers’ Digest

Each area of work within the tech space requires a deep focus on utilizing cutting edge technologies and learning about new solutions and trends. In the product design field, there have been many changes introduced within the last month, from new features added to the most commonly used product design tool Figma, to changes in Gen Z consumption and new AI tools. Find out how to make the most of these innovations below and prepare yourself for an increasingly automated work environment.

ArticleJune ‘23 Designers’ Digest

June ‘23 Designers’ Digest

The month of June saw a rich array of innovative changes in the world of product design with new interfaces for mixed reality and upcoming standards in designing for headsets. Topics for this month include the influence of Apple’s Vision Pro on users’ experience, a new and innovative approach towards QR codes, the controversial infinite scroll and its future, as well as the newest iteration of the well-known Double Diamond.

ArticleMay ‘23 Designers’ Digest

May ‘23 Designers’ Digest

Google and Adobe are taking the lead in introducing the newest revolutionary AI tools worthy of every product designer’s attention. In this digest we will take a look at their newest additions and their capabilities. We also cover the future of accessibility as well as the evolution of typography from sources on the newest innovations in UX & UI design. By learning to apply our newly-gained knowledge, we stay at the forefront of change and are able to deliver products much more efficiently with a result satisfactory to both our clients and end users.

ArticleApril ‘23 Designers’ Digest

April ‘23 Designers’ Digest

With the ever-growing capabilities of AI, product design is witnessing a great deal of advancement in increasing work efficiency and precision. We must, however, learn to judge which of these AI tools are indeed worth using and which may cause more harm than good. Learn more about this and much more, including accessibility and agility in building products, in this month’s edition of Designers’ Digest.

ArticleMarch ‘23 Designers’ Digest

March ‘23 Designers’ Digest

The month of March allowed us to look into the future and reflect on the past on how we approach design and how we can maintain an innovative approach towards product development. We look at some articles relating to the past and the future, each one bound to inspire us to design with a more future-driven focus, creating products that will stand the test of time.

ArticleFebruary ‘23 Designers’ Digest

February ‘23 Designers’ Digest

From so-called kidults to elders, and even animals, user experience design affects us all in our day to day lives. It is a designer’s job to empathize with users, learn their pain points and create an experience that will help them, give them value and, just as importantly, increase conversion rates. When improved UX and great product growth go hand in hand, we can consider a product a true success. Learn more from the latest set of articles on innovative product design focusing on such topics and more.

ArticleJanuary ‘23 Designers’ Digest

January ‘23 Designers’ Digest

From sustainability and ecology in design to ChatGPT and the future of Web3, this month we will look at seven valuable sources of knowledge regarding innovation and the ever-changing phenomena in product design. Useful for designers, developers and product owners alike, these articles will allow you to better approach UX and UI design in 2023 and the upcoming months.

ArticleDecember Designers’ Digest

December Designers’ Digest

Innovation is an important factor for any UX/UI product designer or product owner to consider. Staying abreast of current trends can give us the edge over competitors and provide users with superior solutions that satisfy their needs. To facilitate this, here are five fascinating sources full of up-to-date information which could help you hone your decision making process and identify better design options. For both designers and owners alike - there's something in these readings to challenge thinking, expand ideas, and promote smarter working practices!